Copyright © 1956 Lithuanian Students Association, Inc.
October 1956  No.3(8) 
Editor in Chief: L. Sabaliûnas


Prepared by L. VALIUKAS

Soviet Colonialism
Citing U.S.-Philippine friendship, Nixon hoped "other nations will study this example carefully and realize what it means to walk side by side with the United States of America. Let them contrast your strength and security with the fate of small nations who were not united with us in mutual alliances. You are independent. But are Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania independent? Is there any freedom in East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria and Albania?
"How much liberty is there in North Korea or North Viet Nam? What has happened to ancient Tibet? We must all frankly face this question: Where there is a threat of Communist colonial imperialism is a nation really safe in striking out alone?"
        —    Richard Nixon, TIME, July 16, 1956.

Under the Iron Heel of Dictatorship
But when free elections are proposed the Reds always refuse or take evasive action. Of the various countries overrun by the Reds in sweeping back the tide of Hitlerism, only one has been allowed its own choice of government and that one has chosen a non-Communist pattern of life. We refer to Austria. The others — Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Esthonia, East Germany —all are held under the iron heel of dictatorship, in direct violation of Russian pledges.
        —    THE LOS ANGELES TIMES, June 23, 1956.

For Genuine Free Election in Russia's Colonies
Just take your claws off East Germany, boys, and permit the unification of that key country. Then give your Kremlin okay to genuine free elections in Russia's colonies—Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Romania. Hungary, the Baltic States, etc. Words are fine, but if B & K really crave those "good relations" with the free world, they'd better come up with some authentic, reassuring deeds.
        —    DAILY NEWS, New York, N. Y., May 1, 1956.

Lithuanian Style Dancing
Bring along your stamina. You'll need it if you get caught in the "Malunas" or "Grand Mill." It's a sort of Lithuanian rock'n roll with slightly more rugged overtones.
When you finish—well, it's a little like having a Finish bath. The Lithuanian Folk Dancers of South Boston don't think so, though. To the gay strains of the accordion they bend their bodies into figures depicting carts bringing grain for grinding and before the dance is over they've acted out the entire milling process. And with no more effort than devouring a hunk of wonderful Lithuanian kelbarse.
If you're troubled with tension it's the "Malunas" for you. Or try the "Kalvelis" (The Young Smithy)— with much mighty handclapping. Perfect escape valve! Liberate you? Brrruther, the swift-winged swallow will be a member of the chain gang compared to you.
        —    Eleanor Roberts, THE BOSTON POST, June 14, 1956.

Russia's Colonization Plan
When the Soviet Union took over the Baltic states of Latvia, Esthonia and Lithuania they experienced a reaction common where a dictatorial power seizes and enslaves its weaker neighbors. Hard cores of resistance were formed among the people and the resistance has remained.
It has burned most strongly in the youth of these countries; so strongly that Russia has felt compelled to announce a resettlement program, disguised as a colonization project. Some 100,000 young men and women from these captive countries are to be shifted to sparsely settled areas of the Soviet Union; another 180,000 are to be moved from the Ukraine to regions in or near Archangelsk, Karelia and the Komi Republic in the north.
Russia pretends, of course, that she is moving the young people from their homes in densely populated regions to areas where there are more room and opportunity. But Russia's program is not colonization; it is a form of genocide. Free nations, and the neutral ones, ought to keep this in mind when "they see the smiling faces of Khrushchev and Bulganin.
        —    THE LOS ANGELES TIMES, June 7, 1956.

A Collection of Colonies
In 1939, the Kremlin made its pact with Hitler, and divided up Poland with Germany. The Russians attacked Finnland the same year, and wound up that war in 1940 with part of Finnland's territory. In 1940, Russia moved in on the tiny Baltic nations and gobbled up Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. These land grabs brought 6.5 million more non-Russian people under Russian rule.
In the years immediately following World War n, Moscow set up puppet governments of Communists in East Germany, Poland, Outer Mongolia, Albania, Bulgaria and Hungary.
In 1948, Russia backed a Red coup in Czechoslovakia, and that country joined the list of Russian colonies. In Rumania, Communists ousted the king, and Rumania was added to Moscow's list of satellites. Another puppet regime was set up in North Korea.
Russian-backed armies took over China in 1949. Red China also backed a Communist uprising in Indochina and, in 1954, Northern Vietnam fell behind the Iron Curtain.
        —    U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT, May 25, 1956.