Volume 19, No.3 - Fall 1973
Editors of this issue: Antanas Klimas, Ignas K. Skrupskelis, Thomas Remeikis, 
Copyright © 1973 LITUANUS Foundation, Inc.

A Selected List

Compiled by 
The Library of Congress
The Library of Congress


The literature on the Baltic Countries is quite extensive and growing each and every year. The bibliographic tools, however, are not quite adequate. The purpose of this list is to give a helping hand to Baltic scholars and students.

There is no such thing as a complete bibliography. Some works may have evaded the compilers attention, or were inaccessible to them, therefore, it was not possible to establish an authentic entry. The compilers tried to examine all the more important publications and describe them "de visu," and only a few items were taken from other trustworthy printed sources. On the other hand, not everything was included that was available. Excluded were: a) most of the traders catalogs, and b) selective bibliographic lists, prepared by public libraries for their readers as handy reference tools. However, a few exceptions were made for rare or well prepared catalogs by book dealers or libraries at the times when proper bibliographic works were not available. Also some selective bibliographic guides, prepared by the national libraries, often are quite exquisite and could provide good service, therefore, a few of those were included.

The Estonian Bibliographies presented here were part of a series of material collected during the past several years. This material was divided into four chapters and published in several periodicals. The first two chapters, "1. General Baltic Bibliographies," and "2. Lithuanian Bibliographies" were published in Lituanistikos Darbai (Chicago, 1969), v. 2, p. 141-186. Supplements to both chapters later appeared in the magazine Naujoji Viltis, no. 2 (1971) and no. 4 (1972). The Estonian bibliographies are to be found on the subsequent pages of this journal, and the last chapter, "Lettische Bibliographien" (with cooperation of B. Jegers) are going to be published in Journal of Baltic Studies probably this or next year. At a later time all the chapters may be combined into a book and brought up to date under the title: Bibliography of Baltic Bibliographies.

Most of the works listed in the above mentioned bibliographies are available in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. The material of each chapter is arranged alphabetically by authors or titles, without division by subjects. Monographs on various subjects with more extensive bibliographic lists are also included. The final revision of the Estonian chapter was undertaken in June 1973.

1. Aav, Yrjö. Viron kirjallisuutta Suomen kirjastoissa... Estonian periodicals and books in Finnish libraries. Helsinki, 1964. 2nd ed. Zug, Inter Documentation Co., 1970. 2 v. (104 and 167 p.) Also available on microfiche.

Aavik, Juhan. See No. 64. 
Aer, Elvi.
See No. 14. 
Aliaser, Elga.
See No. 101. 
Alumäe, Nikolai.
See No. 35.

2. Alvre, Paul, et al. Soome-ugri keele kateedri ja eesti keele kateedri tood 1947-1969. Bibliograafia. (Bibliography of works published by the Finno-Ugric and Estonian language departments at Tartu University in 1957-1969) Tartu, 1970. 165 p.

3. (The) American bibliography of Russian and East European studies for... (the year) Bloomington, Ind., Indiana University Publications (later: Press), 1956- annual.
The Estonian materials have been supplied by Felix Oinas and Alo Raun.Annus, E. See No. 34.

4. Antik, Richard. Eesti ajakirjandus 1766 - 1930, bibliograafia ûhes toimetajate ja valjaandjate loeteluga. Le journalisme estonien de 1766 a 1930, bibliographic avec registre des rëdacteurs et des ëditeurs. Tartu (G. Roht) 1932. 247 p. (Sihtasutis Eesti Rahva Muuseumi valjaanne, 3)

5. „ .Eesti raamat, 1535 - 1935; arengulooline ulevaade, arvulised kokkuvStted, reproduktsioonid. Das estnische Buch, 1535 -1935; entwicklungsgeschichtlicher Uebersicht, zahlenmässige Nachweise, Abbildungen. Tartu (O. u. K„ Mattiesen) 1936. 129 p. illus. (Eesti raamatukoguhoidjate Ûhingu toimetis)

6. „ Eesti raamatu 400 aastat. Ülevaade eesti raamatu arengust... (400 years of Estonian books. Review of Estonian book development...) Tartu, Eesti Rahva Museum, 1935. 131 p. (790 entries)
Published on the occasion of the anniversary exhibition at the Archives' Library, Sept. 29 through Oct. 18, 1935.
Eesti raamatute üldnimestik. 1918-1923. See No.32.

7. „ Estland in fremden Sprachen; eine Auswähl fremdsprachigen Schrifttums. Tartu, Akadeemiline Kooperatiiv, 1936. 98 p. (1461 entries)

8a. Baukov, S. S., at al., eds. Geologicheskaia izuchennost' SSSR, t. 50. Estonskaia SSR. Period 1941-1960. (Geological bibliography of the .Estonian SSR in 1941-1960). Tallinn, Valgus, 1968-

8b. „ „ Period 1918-1940. (Compiled by R. Mannil). Tallinn, Valgus, 1972. 250 p. See also No. 37.

9. Arens, llmar. Pöhijooni Eesti öiguse ajaloost (Guidelines to the history of Estonian justice) Stockholm, Eesti Teadusliku Ins-tituudi Kirjastus, 1956. Bibliography: p. 60-64.

10. Artiklite j a retsensioonide kroonika (Chronicle of articles and reviews) Tallinn, Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, 1954- monthly.

lOa. Artiklite kroonika (Chronicle of articles in periodicals) Tallinn, Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, 1952-1953. Quarterly. — See also No. 129.

11. Aruja, Endel. Estonian books and periodicals; a selection of works published after 1944 outside Estonia. Watford, Hert   (England), Northern Publications, Information Centre, Aug. 1951. 31 p. (338 entries)

12. „ „ Supplement I. Dec. 1952. 17 p.
Association Internationale d'Hydrologie Scientifique. Hydrologic bibliography. Estonia. See No. 54.

13. Aström, Sven E. From cloth to iron; the Anglo-Baltic trade in the late seventeenth century. Helsingfors, 1963 - 65. 2 v. Bibliography: v. 1, p. 245-260; v. 2, p. 83-86. (Societas Scien-tiarum Fennica. Commentationes humanarum litterarum, XXXIII, 1; XXXVII.3)

14. Baltic material in the University of Toronto Library. A bibliography compiled by Elvi Aer (et al.). Printed for the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies and the University of Toronto by the University of Toronto Press (1972) 125 p.

15. (The) Baltic States: selected references. In: Report of the Selected Committee to Investigate Communist Aggression and the Forced Incorporation of the Baltic States into the U.S.S.R. Third interim report. Washington, Gov. Printing Office, 1954. p. 530 - 537.

16. Baltische Lander. In: Bibliographie; Beilage zum Wissenschaftlichen Dienst für Ostmitteleuropa, no. 4, 1968: 135-144. Neueingdage der Bibliothek des J. G. Herder-Institute, Marburg an der Lahn. Listed are new acquisitions by the Library of J. G. Herder Institute in Marburg a. L. (W. Germany). Published irregularly.

17. Balys, John, P. Baltica. In: Russia and the Soviet Union, ed. by Paul L. Horecky (Chicago, 1965): 93-97.

18. „ Bibliographia Baltica, I. A selected bibliography on the Baltic Countries for the years 1962 -1963. Lituanistikos Darbai (Chicago), v. 1, 1966: 155-190.

19. „ Bibliography of Baltic bibliographies. 1, General Baltic bibliographies. Lituanistikos Darbai (Chicago), v. 2, 1969: 141 -149.

20. Biblioteka "Looming" 1957-1971. In its series no. 1/2 (737-738). Tallinn, "Periodika", 1972: 94-111.

21. Blessig, Ernst. Ophtalmologische Bibliographie Russlands 1870-1920. Dorpat, 1922. vii, 188 p. (Tartu. Ûlikool. Acta et commentationes, ser. A, v. III, 2 and IV, 1)

22. Blumfeldt, Evald and Nigolas Loone, eds. Eesti ajaloo bibliograafia, 1877-1917 (Estonian historical bibliography, 1877-1917) Tartu, "Loodus", 1933-39. xviii, 632 p. (14,256 entries)

23. Breslau. Ost-Europa Institut. Osteuropaische Bibliographic für das Jahr... Leipzig u. Berlin, B. G. Teubner, 1921-28. 4 v. Covers the years 1920-1923.
Bibliography on Estonia: v. 3, 1922 (pub. 1926): 33-38; v. 4, 1923 (pub. 1928): 53-68.

24. Brandt, Alexander. Sexualitat. Eine biologische Studie. Dorpat, 1925. 172 p. Bibliography: p. 162-172. (Tartu. Ülikool. Acta et commentationes, ser. A, v. 7)

25. Buchholtz, Anton. Bibliographie der Archeology Liv-, Est- und Kurlands. Riga, W. F. Hacker, 1896. iv, 61 p.

26. Csehey, Istvan. Estnisch-ungarische Beziehungen und das Ungarische Wissenschaftliche Institut in Tartu (Dorpat). Tartu, 1930. 87 p. Bibliography: p. 51-87. (Bibliotheca Hungarico - Estica Instituti Litterarum Hungarici Dorpatensis, 8)

27. Donnert, Erich. Der livlandische Ordensritterstaat und Russland. Berlin, Rutten u. Loening, 1963. 320 p. Bibliography: p. 299 - 310. Eerme, Kaarel. See No. 46.

28. Eesti filoloogia ja ajalo aastaiilevaade. Jahresbericht der estnischen Philologie und Geschichte. 1-14. 1918-31. Tartu, Opeta-tud Eesti Selts, 1922-38. 14 v.
Vols. 7-11 for 1924-28 not published, in preparation as of 1939.

29. Eesti keel ja kirjandus (Estonian language and literature) Jan.-June 1941. (Tartu, Teaduslik Kirjandus) monthly.

Published by Eesti NSV Hariduse Rahvakomissariaat and superseded "Eesti keel" (1922-1940) and "Eesti kirjandus" (1906-1940). Vol. for Jan.-June 1941 includes a separately paged supplement: "Eesti raamatute ûldnimestik, Jan.-Feb. 1940." 16 p. Resumed publication in 1958 as "Keel ja kirjandus."

30. Eestikeelset öigusteaduslikku kirjandust. 1966 - 1969. (Juridical literature in Estonian, 1966-69) Tallinn, 1969. 20 p.

31. Eesti reaamatu aupaev... Naituse kataloog (In honorem of the Estonian book. Exhibition catalog. Toronto, Eesti Kultuurikogu Kanadas, 1970) 20 p.
Catalog of an exhibition on Dec. 6, 1970, in Toronto, of books, prints and ex libris published in 1944 - 70 by Estonian authors in Canada (165 titles by 56 authors).

32. Eesti raamatute üldnimestik... Catalogue general des livres estoniens. 1918 - 39. Tartu, Eesti Kirjanduse Seltsi Kirjastus (1924)-1941. 5 vols.
National bibliography of Independent Estonia (1918-1940). Editor: Richard Antik. Originally appeared as supplement to "Eesti kirjandus" with monthly lists of titles numbered continuously through each year. Periodicals since 1924/28 are listed separately. Issued as separate vols. with a general author index as follows:
1918-23, pub. 1931. 406 p. (books and periodical literature)
1924-28, pub. 1930 (?) 554 p. (books only).
.1929-33, pub. 1934. 795 p. (books only).
1934-36, pub. 1938. 611 p. (also includes books in other languages than Estonian, published in Estonia). 
1937-39, pub. 1941. 544
p. (same as above).

33. Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus. Ilmunud kirjandus... (Literature published in...) Tallinn, 1960- quarterly.

34. Eesti NSV raamat 1940-1960; naituse kataloog (Books of Estonian SSR, 1940-1960; catalog of an exhibition. Comp. by E. Annus and V. Miller) Tallinn, Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, 1960. 355 p. illus. (103 plates).

35. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia. Akademiia nauk Estonskoi SSR v gody 1956 • 1964 (Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR in the years 1956 -1964. Ed. by Nikolai Alumae et al.) Tallinn, 1965. 335 p. Includes bibliographies.

36. „ Kumme aastat Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemiat, 1946 -1956 (Ten years of the Estonian SSR Academy of Sciences, 1946 -1956. Ed. by J. Eichfeld et al.) Tallinn, Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, 1956. 217,cix p. Bibliography: p. iii-cvi.
Covers the years 1947-1956. Also published in Russian.

37. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia. Keskraamatukogu. Eesti geologia. Bibliograafia, 1840-1959. (Geology of Estonia. Bibliography, 1840 -1959. Ed. by D. Kaljo) Tallinn, 1960. 170 p.

38. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia. Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituut. Zooloogiline kirjandus, 1945 -1959 (Zoological literature, 1945-1959) Tartu, 1961. 103 p.

39. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia teaduslike tootajate poolt... a. uhiskonnateaduste alal avaldatud toode bibliograafia (Bibliography of works by scientific staff of the Estonian SSR Academy of Sciences in the field of social sciences published in...) In: Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia. Toimetised. Uhiskonnateaduste seeria. Lisa. Tallinn, 1959-
Annual since 1959 as a supplement to Academy's "Toimetised."
Eichfeld, J. See No. 36.

40. Einas, H. Eesti NSV teatribibliograafia (Estonian SSR theater bibliography) 1960- Tallinn, Teatri- ja Muusikamuuseum, 1961-

41. Emakeele Selts. Keelelist bibliograafiat (Language bibliography. Comp. by Helju Kaal) 1959-1960. Tallinn, 1962. 51 p. (397 entries)

42. Ennosaar, Virve. Raamatukogunduse ja bibliograafiate bibliograafia 1961. (Library science and bibliography of bibliographies, 1961) Tallinn (Riiklik Raamatukogu) 1963. 71 p.

43. „ Raamatukogunduse bibliograafia 1966. (Bibliography of the library science, 1966) Tallinn, 1970. 79 p.

43a. „ Bibliografiia bibliotekovedeniia. 1967-1968. (Bibliography of library affairs, 1967-1968). Tallinn, Min-vo kultury ESSR, Gos. bib-ka ESSR, 1972. 159 p. (In Russian and Estonian).

44. Emits, V. Sirvilaudades 1897-1916 a. ilmunud kirjutuste sisuline nimekiri (List of articles published in the early Estonian calendars in 1897-1916) In: Eesti Ûliopilaste Selts. Sirvilauad, 20, 1916: 94-100. (131 entries) Estonia. Riigi Statistika Keskbûro. Estonia, etc. See No. 122.

45. Estonian Information Centre. Estonian religious literature published in the Estonian language during the period 1945 -1968. Stockholm, 1968. 8 p. (120 entries).

46. Estonian World Festival in Toronto 1972. Catalogue: a representative selection of Estonian books and a special exhibit of Estonian exlibris (1944-1972). Editor: Kaarel Eerme. (Toronto, Published by the Estonian World Festival Book Exhibit Committee. Printed by Ortoprint, 1972). 64 p. illus. (In Estonian and English).

47. Federley, Bernt L. Kunglig Majestat, svenska kronan och furstendomet Estland 1592-1600. Helsingfors, 1946. 306 p. Bibliography: p. 297-306. (Societas Scientiarum Fennica. Commentationes humanarum litterarum, XIV, 1)

48. Friedenthal, I. M. Gesamtverzeichnis der in den "Beiträgen zur Kunde Estlands" I-XX, in dem "Archiv fur die Geschichte Liv,- Est- und Kurlands" I 1-8, II 1-11, III 1-4 und in den "Mittheilungen der Ehstländischen Literärischen Gesellschaft" I-II erschienenen Aufsätze und Veröffentlichungen. In: Beiträge zur Kunde Estlands, Anhang zu Band XX (Tallinn, 1937): 9-40. (465 entries)

49. Gadebusch, Friedrich K. Livländische Bibliothek nach alphabetischer Ordnung. Riga, bey Johann Friedrich Hartknoch, 1777. 3 v.
Gelehrte Estnische Gesellschaft (Opetatud Eesti Selts). See nos. 135, 146.

50. Graham, Malborne Watson. The diplomatic recognition of the border states. (Ft. 2. Estonia) Los Angeles, 1935. Bibliography: p. 377-395. (Publications of the University of California at Los Angeles in social sciences, v. 3, no. 2)

51. Hagar, Helmut. A bibliography of works published by Estonian ethnologists in exile, 1945 -1965. Etockholm, Institutum Litterarum Estonicum, 1965. 63 p.

52. Hanover. Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek. Katalog des Schrifttums über die baltischen Länder. Hannover, 1971. 2 v. (vi, 722 p.)

53. Harri Moora erialased tööd. (Scientific works by H. Moora) Studia Archaeologica (Tallinn, 1970): 36-44.
Hansen, G. See No. 142.

54. Hüdroloogiline bibliograafia: Eesti. Bibliographic hydrologique: Estonie. 1-5. Tallinn, 1934-1938. Annual. 5 pts.

55. Hildebrand, Hermann. Livonica, vornämlich aus dem 13. Jahrhundert im Vaticanischem Archiv. Riga, J. Deubner, 1887.71 p.
"Ein Verzeiehnis der im päpstliehen Registrum von 1198 -1S04 enthaltenen livländischen Urkunden."

56. Horna, Dagmar, et al. Current research on Central and Eastern Europe. New York, Free Europe Committee (1956) The Baltic Nations: p. 55-63.

57. Iashchenko, A. Russkaia bibliografiia po istorii drevnei filosofii (Russian bibliography on the history of ancient philosophy) In: Tartu. Ûlikool. Actà et commentationes, v. 23, no. 8, 1915. 125 p.

58. Isberg, Alvin. Livlands kyrkostyrelse 1622 - 1695... (Church administration of Livland, 1622 -1695) Stockholm, Aim-qvist —Wiksell, 1968. 278 p. Bibliography: p. 267-274. (Studia historico-ecclesiastica Upsaliensia, 12)
Jahresbericht der estnischen Philologie. See No. 28.

59. Jänes, Henno. Geschichte der estnischen Literatur. Stockholm, 1965. 188 p. Bibliography, p. 182-185.

60. Jilek, Heinrich, et al. Bücherkunde Ostdeutschlands u. d. Deutschtums in Ostmitteleuropa. Köln, 1963. xxxvi, 560 p. (.Estland u. Lettland: p. 352-399; Litauen: p. 400-408.).

61. Johansen, Paul. Die Estlandliste des Liber census Da-niae... Kopenhagen, H. Hagerup; Rëvai, F. Wasserznann, 1933.  viii, 1012 p. illus., maps. Bibliography: p. 997-1006.

62. Jûrgens, M. Ramatute nimme-kirri, ehk Katalog tille koige Eesti kele ramatute, mis aastal 1553 kunni 1863 aastani on walja antud (Book list of all Estonian books published from 1533 through 1863) Tallinnas, I. H. Gresseli, 1864. 48 p.

63. Jurgenson, Dietrich H. Kurze Geschichte der ehstnischen Literatur. In: Gelehrte Estnisch Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen, Bd. I, Heft 2, 1843: 40-52; Heft 3, 1844: 61-73.

64. Juhan Aavik: helitoode nimestik. Catalogue of works. Stockholm, Baltic Humanitarian Asso., 1968. 26 1.

65. Kaal, Helju. Emakeele Seltsi valjaandeid 1921 -1970. (Publications of the Society for the Mother Language, 1921 -1970) In: H. Ahven, Emakeele Selts (Tallinn, 1970): 31-37. —See also No. 41.

66. Kabur, Vaime. Bibliografischeskie kartoteki i neopublikovannye ukazateli. 1965 -1970. (Bibliographical files and unpublished indexes) Tallinn, Gos. b-ka ESSR, 1971. 119 p. (In Estonian and Russian)

67. „ Narodnye traditsii i kalendarnye daty. Spisok literatury (A list of literature on folk traditions and calender dates, i.e. yearly holydays) Tallinn, Gos. bibl. ESSR, 1971. 41 p.

68a. Kabur, Vaime and O. Kivi. Eesti kirjandus, kirjandusteadus ja kriitika, 1959-1962; bibliograafia (Bibliography of Estonian literature, literature science and criticism, 1959 - 62) Tallinn, Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, 1963. 359 p.

68b. „ „ 1963-1966. Tallinn, Eesti Raamat, 1968. 306 p.

70. Kabur, Vaime and L. Püss. V. I. Lenini teosed eesti keeles 1918-1969. Bibliograafiline nimestik. (Bibliographic list of Lenin's works published in Estonian in 1918 - 69) Tallinn, Eesti Raamat, 1969. 68 p.
Also published in Russian. A total of 161 books by Lenin were published in Estonian translation.

71. Kahla, Martti, conip. Bibliografinen luettelo neuvosto-liitossa vuosina 1918 -1959... Osa I. (Bibliographic index of literature on Finno-Ugric linguistics published in the USSR from 1918-1959. Part I) Helsinki, Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, 1960. 193 p.
Kaljo, D. See No. 37.

72. Kangro, Bernard. Eestikeelsete raamatute nimestik 1944 -1952 (List of books in Estonian language, 1944-1952) Kirjani-kult lugejale (Lund, 1953): 145-155.

73. „ Besti kirjandus siin— ja sealpool piiri (Estonian literature on this and other side of the border) Tulimuld (Lund), 1965, v. 16, no. 2, p. 112-118; no. 3, p. 175-182; no. 4, p. 231-239.
A bibliographic survey of Estonian-language books on belles-lettres published in the occupied Estonia and in the Free World from 1945 to 1964.

74a. „ Eesti raamat vabas maailmas; bibliograafiline ulevaade 1944-1956 (The Estonian book in the Free World; a bibliographic survey, 1944 - 46) Stockholm, Eesti Rahvusfond, 1957. 23 p.

74b. „ Das estnische Buch in der freien Welt; bibliograpische Ûbersicht, 1944 -1956. Stockholm, Eesti Rahvusfond, 1957. 23 p.

74c. „ Estonian books published in exile. A bibliographic survey 1944 -1956. Stockholm, Eesti Rahvusfond, 1957. 24 p.

75a. „ Den estniska boken i den fria varlden; bibliografisk oversikt 1944 -1959. Stockholm, Estniska Nationalfonden, 1960. 28 p.

75b. „ Estonian books published in exile; a bibliographical survey, 1944-1959. (Introduction by Raimond Kolk) Stockholm, Eesti Rahvusfond, 1960. 28 p.

77a. „ Eesti kirjandus vabas maailmas; bibliograafiline ulevaade 1944-1965 (The Estonian literature in the Free World; a bibliographic survey, 1944-65) Lund, Eesti Kirjanike Kooperativ, 1966. 32 p .

77b. „ Den estniska boken i den fria varlden; bibliogra-isk oversikt 1944 -1965. Stockholm, Estniska Kultursamfundet, 1966. 32 p.

78. „ Eesti raamat vabas maailmas. Bibliograafiline ulevaade 1944-1970. (Estonian book published in the free world; a bibliographical survey for 1944-1970) Lund, Eesti Kirjanike Kooperativ, 1971. 40 p.
See also No. 110.

79. Kant, Edgar. Bevolkerung und Lebensraum Estlands... Tartu, Akadeemiline Kooperativ, 1935. vii,280 p. Bibliography: p. 269-280.

80. Kitzberg, Leena. The Sovietization of Estonia, (n.p., 1962) 114 1. Bibliography: (10 unnumbered leaves at the end)

81a. Kivi, Osvald. Estonskaia khudozhestvennaia literatûra, folklor i kritika na russkom i drugikh iazykakh narodov SSSR, 1940-1955; bibliografija (Estonian belles-lettres, folklore and criticism in Russian language and languages of other peoples of the USSR; bibliography for 1940-55) Tallinn, Estonskoe gos. izd-vo, 1956. 370 p .

81b. „ „ 1956-1965; bibliografiia. Tallinn, Eesti Raamat, 1968. 519 p.

82. „ Soome-ugri ja samojeedi keeleteadus Noukogude Liidus (Bibliography of Finno-Ugric and Samojed linguistics in the USSR) 1962- Tallinn, Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia, Keele ja Kirjandus Instituut, 1963- annual. See also No 68a - b.
Klesment, Johannes. See No. 103.

83. Kniga Sovestkoi Estonii 1965 (Books of Soviet Estonia, 1965) Tallinn, Eesti Raamat, 1966. 138 p.
Kolk, Raimond. See No. 75b.

84. Koorits, V. Bibliografiia trudov prepodavatelei, sotrudnikov i aspirantov geograficheskogo otdeleniia Tartuskogo gos. universitetà. (Bibliography of works by teachers, collaborators and aspirants of the Geographical section of Tartu State University) In: Tartu. Ulikool. Toimetised, v. 237, 1969: 215-232.
Continuation in the same publication, v. 282, 1971: 225-258.

85. Krasnozhen, M. Literatûra tserkovnago prava (Literature on Church law) In his: Posobie k izucheniiu tserkovnago prava (lur'ev, 1917): 104-189. (Tartu. Ulikool. Acta et commentationes, v. 25, no. 3)

86. „ Ukazatel' literatury tserkovnago prava po 1910 g. (Index of literature on Church law for 1910) In: Tartu. Ulikool. Acta et commentationes, v. 18, no. 9, 1910. 48 p.

87. Kritisch-bibliographischer Jahresbericht der estnischen Philologie. Bd. 1, 1918. Dorpat, Gelehrte Estnische Gesellschaft, 1922. vi, 100 p.

88. Kuldkepp, E. and P. Toovere, comp. Noukogude Eesti noodikirjandus, 1940-1960; koondbibliograafia (Soviet Estonian sheetmusic literature, 1940-1960; cumulative bibliography) Tallinn, Eesti Raamat, 1967. 712 p.

89. Kuri, Ðalme H. Bibliographical guide to Estonian studies. Washington, American Council of Learned Societies, 1963. 250 1. (typescript). See also No. 155.

90. Kurvits, Aleksander. A selection of Estonian books for public libraries. Ontario library review (Toronto), v. 39, no. 1, Feb. 1955: 18-23.
Fiction only published after 1940 by Estonian authors in exile.

91. Laaman, Eduard. Eesti iseseisvuse sund (Birth of Estonia's independence) Stockholm, Kirjastus Vaba Eesti, 1964. 752 p. illus. Bibliography: p. 727-732.

92. Laidvee, H. "Kalevipoja" bibliograafia, 1836-1961 (Bibliography of "Kalevipoeg", 1836-1961) Tallinn, Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, 1964. 119 p. (Personaalbibliograafiad, 1,2 osa)

93. „ Lydia Koidula bibliograafia. 1861-1966. Tallinn, Eesti Raamat, 1971. 288 p.
Leek, V. See No. 144. 
Lenz, Wilhelm.
See No. 153.

94. Leppik, Elmar. Bibliographische Beiträge zur ostbaltischen Pilzflora. I. (1791-1921). In: Loodusuurijate Selts. Aasta-raamat, v. 36, no. 1/2, 1929: 27-88. (230 and 14 entries)

95. Ligi, Herbert. Talupoegade koormised Eestis 13. sajandist 19. sajandi alguseni (Feodai obligations of peasants in Estonia in the 13th to 19th centuries) Tallinn, Eesti Raamat, 1968. 333 p. Bibliography: p. 305-318.

96. Liiv, Otto. Die wirtsehaftliche Lage des estnischen Gebiets am Ausgang des XVII. Jahrhunderts. I. Tartu, Opetatud Eesti Selts, 1935. vii,336 p. Bibliography: p. xxii-xl.

97. Lippmaa, Theodor. Eesti geobotaanika pohijooni... Aper-5u geobotanique de 1'Estonie. Tartu (K,. Mattiesen) 1935. 151 p. plates, maps. Bibliography: p. 130-136. (In: Tartu. Ulikool. Actà et commentationes, A:XXVIII,4)
(A) list of works on Estonia in foreign languages. See No. 122.

98. Liste des travaux scientifiques du professeur L. Poussepp 1899-1924. In: Acta neuropathologica, in honorem Ludovici Puusepp, XXV. Tartu, 1925. p. ix-xvi.
Loone, Nigolas. See No. 22.

99. Livlandische Geschichtsliteratur im Jahre... (1883 - 1912) Riga, N. Kymmel, 1884 - 1913. Annual.

100. Magi, Arvo. Eesti luurika (Estonian lyrics) Lund, Eesti Kirjanike Kooperatiiv, 1958-59. 2 v. Bibliography: v. 2, p. 424-431.

101. „ Estonian literature; an outline (translated from the Estonian original by Elga Aliaser) Stockholm, Baltic Humanitarian Association (1968) 100 p. Bibliographical notes: p. 97-105.
Mannil, R. See No. 8b. Margus, Alexander. See No. 142.

102. Meyer-Willudda, Erich. Wirtschaftsgeographie von Est-and. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 1938. vi,215 p. Bibliography: p. 207-215. (190 entries)

103. Mid-European Law Project. Legal sources and bibliography of the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) by Johannes Klesment (and others) New York, Published for Free Europe by Praeger (c!963) 197 p.
Miller, V. See No. 34.
Moora, Harri. See Nos. 53, 134.
Napiersky, Karl Eduard. See No. 128a-c.

104. Nirk, Endel. Estonian literature: historical survey, with bibliographical appendix. Tallinn, Eesti Raamat, 1970. 414 p.

105. Nodel, Emanuel. Estonia: nation on the anvil. New York, Bookman Asso. (c!963) 207 p. Bibliography: p. 197-204.

106a. Norman, Herbert. Eesti meditsiiniline bibliograafia. Bibliographic medicale estonienne. 1918 -1930. Tartu, Eesti Arsti Kirjastus, 1933. 128 p. (2373 entries)

106b. „ „ 1931-1932. Tartu. Eesti Arsti Kirjastus, 1933. 128 p. (2373 entries)

106c. „ „ 1933-1934. Tartu, Eesti Arsti Kirjastus, 1935. 184 p. (3036 items) See also No. 156.

107. Noukogude Eesti perioodilised valjaandi 1940 -1960. Koondibibliograafia. (Soviet Estonian periodicals published in 1940-1960; cumulative bibliography) Tallinn, Eesti Raamat, 1968. 270p.

108. Noukogude Eesti raamat 1940 -1954; Koondbibliograafia. (The Soviet Estonian book, 1940-54; a cumulative bibliography) Tallinn, Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, 1956. 513 p.

109. Niitemaa, Vilho. Die undeutsche Frage in der Politik der livländischen Städte im Mittelalter. Helsinki, 1949. 315 p. Bibliography: p. 297-315.
Oinas, Felix. J3ee No. 3.

110. Oras, Ants. Estonian literature in exile. An essay. With a bio-bibliographical appendix by Bernard Kangro. Lund, Eesti Kirjanike Kooperatiiv, 1967. 88 p.
Page, Stanley W. See No. 136.

111. Palgi, D., ed. Raamatu osa Eesti arengus, koguteos (The importance of printed literature for development of Estonia) Tartu, Eesti Kirjanduse Selts, 1935. 300 p. Bibliography: p. 136-148, 154-162. (44 and 30 entries)
Contains a list and evaluation of Estonian historical and prose literature during the period of national awakening, and also statistics of Estonian books for 1535-1934 (p.293-297).

112. Patti, Heldur. Eesti ajaloolise demograafia bibliograafia. (Bibliography of Estonian historical demography. Koostanud H. Palli ja R. Pullat) Tallinn, 1969. 131 p. (Toid ajaloolise demograafia alalt)
At head of title: Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia. Ajaloo Instituut. In Estonian, English, and Russian.

113a. Pata, E. Goriuchie slantsy pribaltiiskogo mestorozhdeniia; khimiia i tekhnologiia. Bibliografiia 1791-1967. (Oil shales of Baltic origin; chemistry and technology. Bibliography for 1791-1967) Tallinn, Akademiia nauk Estonskoi SSR, Institut informatsii, 1968. 2 v. (xiv,417 p.)

113b. „ „ 1777-1968. Tallinn, 1970. 3 vols.

113c. „ Baltic oil shales, chemistry and technology; a bibliography 1791 • 1967. Ed. by Kh. Martinson. Trans. from Russian (by P. Chajkin. Ed. by D. Slutzkin) Jerusalem, Israel Program for Scientific Translations (available from the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Va.) 1971. xiii, 352 p. (English translation of No. 113a)

114. Paucker, Julius. Die Literatur der Geschichte Liv-, Est-und Kurlands aus den Jahren 1835 bis 1847 in übersichtlicher Zusammenstellung, nebst einem Anhang von 1844 bis 1847. Dorpat, 1848. 242 p.

115. Paulson, Ivar. Alt-estnische Volksreligion. Commentationes Balticae, v. 12-13, 1967: 203-249. Bibliography: p. 243-249.

116. „ The old Estonian folk religion. Bloomington, Indiana University (1971) 237 p. Bibliography: p. 217-237.

117. Piksanov, N. K. Materialy dlia bibliograficheskogo ukazatelia proizvedenii A. S. Griboiedova i literatury o nem. (Materials for a bibliographical index of works by A. S. Griboiedov and the literature about him) In: Tartu. Ûlikool. Acta et commentationes, v. 11, no. 4, 1903. 42 p. (297 entries)

118. Piliau, Endel. Eestikeelne biograafiline teatmekirjandus. (Estonian linguistic biographies; biographical reference literature in Estonian) Keel ja Kirjandus, v. 13, 1970: 129-138.

119. Prin'zhom, Fritz. Memelgebiet und Baltische Staaten. Eine Bibliographie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Politik und Wirtschaft. (1931- ) 1935-1940. Danzig, 1936-1942.
Superseded in part by: Berlin. Deutsches Auslandwissenschaftliches Institut. Europa Bibliographie. 8. Abteilung: Ostland. Bd. 1. 1939/42. Leipzig, O. Harrassowitz, 1944.

120. Püss, L. Noukogude Eesti tolkekirjandus 1940-1968; bibliograafiline nimestik. (Soviet Estonian translation literature 1940-1968; a bibliographic index) Tallinn, Eesti Raamat, 1970. 310 p.

121. Puksov, F. Bibliography of Estonian history 1877 -1917. Baltic Countries (Gdynia), v. 1, no. 1, 1935: 138.
Pullat, R. See No. 112.

122. Pullerits, Albert. A list of works on Estonia in foreign languages. In: Estonia; population, culture and economic life (Tallinn, 1935): 193-198.
Puussepp, Ludwig. See No. 98.

123. Raamatukroonika. Eesti NSV trukitoodangu riiklik bi-bliograafia. (Book chronicle. State bibliography of the Estonian SSR imprints) Tallinn, Eesti NSV Riiklik Raamatupalat, 1946-quarterly.

124. Rank, Aino. A bibliography of works published by Estonian historians in exile 1945 - 69. Stockholm, 1969. 56 p. (Insti-tutum Litterarum Estonicum, Folia bibliographica, 2)
Covers history, archeology, history of art, music, the Church and law.

125. „ A bibliography of works published by Estonian philologists in exile. 1944 -1970. (Linguistics, History of literature, Theatre). Stockholm, Institutum Litterarum Estonicum, 1971. 117 p. (Folia Bibliographica, 3)

126. Ranch, Georg von. Die Universität Dorpat und das Eindringen der frühen Aufklärung in Livland, 1690 -1710. Essen, Essener Verlagsanstalt (1943) 471 p. Bibliography: p. 452-461. (107 entries)

127. Raun, Alo. Introduction to Estonian linguistics, by Alo Raun and Andrus Saareste. Wiesbaden, 0. Harrassowitz, 1965. x,123 p. Bibliography: p. 115-123. (Ural-altaische Bibliothek, 12)

128a. Recke, Johann F.v. and Kari E. Napiersky. Allgemeines Schriftsteller- und Gelehrten Lexikon der Provinzen Livland, Esthland und Kurland. Mitau, 1827-1842. 4 vols,

128b. „ „ Nachträge und Fortsetzungen. Mitau, 1859. 2 v

128c. „ „ Neudruck der Originalausgabe. Berlin, Hande u. Spenersche Verlag, 1966. 5 vols. (incl. Nachträge). Bibliographies of listed persons are included.
Remmel, N.
See No. 157.

129. Retsensioonide kroonika. Letopis' retsenzii. (Annals of reviews) Tallinn, Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, 1951 -1954. Annual.
In 1951 - 54 each issue covered the preceding year. In 1954. merged with "Artiklite kroonika" to form "Artiklite ja retsensioonide kroonika" (see No. 10).

130. Richter, Erich. Die estnische Bibliographic. Ein kurzer Überblick liber die von d. Bücherkammer in Reval herausgegebene laufende Bibliographic. Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, Bd. 15, 1968: 35-43.

131. Rosenplanter, Johann H. Beitrage zur genauern Kenntniss der ehstnischen Sprache. Parnu, 1813 -1832. 20 Hefte.
Contains yearly lists of Estonian-language books published in 1812-1822, and also a retrospective list in Heft 20 (1832).

132. Rostovtsev, M. I. Uchenie o peritiflitie. Ch. III. Biblio-graficheskii otdiel. (Studies on peritonitis, III: Bibliographical part) In: Tartu. Ulikool. Acta et commentationes, 1911, v. 19, nos. 1-8. (8829 entries)
Saareste, Andrus. See No. 127.

133. Schirren, Carl C. G. Verzeichniss livlandischer Geschichts Quellen in schwedischen Archiven und Bibliotheken. Dorpat, W. Glaser, 1861-68. 232 p.

134. Schmiedehelm, Marta. Bibliography of Prof. Dr. Harri Moora. Acta Baltico-Slavica (Bialystok), v. 6, 1969: 15-22. (108 entries)

135. Schwabe, Andreas Johann. Verzeichnis aller in der Bibliothek der gelehrten estnischen Gesellschaft sich befindlichen estnischen Druckschriften. Dorpat, E. J. Karow, 1867. 92 p. (Listed 1395 items, published in 1632-1865)

136. Senn, Alfred E. and Stanley W. Page. Estonia. In: Soviet foreign relations and World Communism (ed. by Thomas T. Hammond, Princeton, N. J., 1965): 288-292.

137. Soom, A. Die Politik Schwedens bezüglich des russischen Transithandels fiber die estnische Städte in den Jahren 1636 -1656. Tartu, 1940. xx, 272 p. Bibliography: p. xiii-xx. (Commentationes Litterarum Societatis Esthonicae, 32)

138. Soon, V., ed. Bibliografiia po biogeofizike. Bibliography on biogeophysics. Tartu, Institut fiziki i astronomii AN ESSR, 1969. 24 p. (In Russian and English).

139. Stockholm. Kungliga Biblioteket. Estniska böcker utan für Estland. Arrangoer: Kungliga Biblioteket och Estniska Kultursamfundet. (Estonian books outside Estonia. Catalog of an exhibition, arranged by Royal Library and the Estonian Cultural Fund) Stockholm, 1966. 46 p. (Its Utstallningskatalog, nr. 41)

140. Szczepanski, F. v., ed. Eossica and Baltica. Verzeichniss der in und über Russland und die Baltischen Provinzen... erschienenen Schriften in deutscher, französischer und englischer Sprache. Reval, 1884. 62 p. (Baltic Provinces, 350)

141a. Taielik eesti raamatuturu katalog (Complete catalog of Estonian book market; with supplements and alphabetic author index) Lisa I. 1928/1930. Tallinnas, K.-Û. "Kahvaulikool'i", 1930. 117 p.

141b. „ Lisa II. 1930/1934. Tallinn, 1934. 131 p.
Tallinn. Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwaldi nimeline Eesti NSV Riiklik Raamatukogu. Raamatupalat. See Nos. 10, 123, 129, 130. All the publications by Raamatupalat are in two languages: Estonian and Russian.

142. Tallinn. Linnaarhiiv. Tallinna Linna Arhiiwi kataloog. Katalog des Revaler Stadarchivs. Reval, Eestimaa Trukikoja A. - S. 1924 - 1938. 4 v. plates.
Compiled by G. Hansen (v. 1-3) and Alexander Margus (v. 4).
Tallinn. Teatri- ja Muusikamuuseum. See No. 40.

143. Talve, Ilmar. A bibliography of works published by Estonian ethnologists in exile 1945 -1956. Stockholm, Estonian Learned Society in Sweden, 1957. mimeo.

144. Tartu. Ülikool. Arstiteaduskond. Tartu ulikooli arstitiea-duskonnas 1892-1917 kaitstud vaitekirjad; bibliograafia. (Tartu University medical school dissertations defended in 1892 -1917. A bibliography comp. by V. Leek) Tartu, 1965. 56 p.

145a. Tartu. Ülikool. Loodusuurijate Selts. Katalog der Bibliothek der Naturforscher-Gesellschaft bei der Universitat Jurjew (Dorpat). I. Teil. Periodische Editionen. Jurjew (Dorpat), 1908. 103 p. (782 entries)

145b. „ „ II. Teil. Bücher und Atlasse. Jurjew (Dorpat), 1910. 107 p. (1555 entries)
In Russian and German.

146. Tartu. Ülikool. Opetatud Eesti Selts. Inhalts-Verzeichniss zu den ersten zwanzig Bänden (1840-1900) der Verhandlungen der Gelehrten Estnischen Gesellschaft. Dorpat, Schnakenburg's Buchdruckerei, 1900. 28 p.

147. Tartu. Ülikool. Teaduslik Raamatukogu. Tartu Riiklik Ülikool. Ilmunud toode bibliograafia. (Tartu State University.
Bibliography of published works) Tartu, 1960- annual. In Estonian and Russian.

148. „ Tartu Riiklikus Ülikoolis 1946 -1959 kaitstud viiitekirjad; bibliograafia (Bibliography of dissertations defended at Tartu State University in 1946-1959. Ed. by Leo Tiik) Tartu, 1961. 50 p.

149. Thomson, Erik. Baltische Bibliographie. 1945 -1956. 1957-1961. Würzburg, Holzner Verlag, 1957-1962. 2 vols.

150. Thomson, Erik. Die Grossschmetterlinge Estlands. Stollhamm (Old.), H. Rauschenbusch (1967) 203 p. Bibliography: p. 177-184 (126 entries)
Tiik, Leo. See No. 148.

151. Tizik, K. A. Obozrenie estonskoi periodicheskoi pechati. (Review of the Estonian periodical press) Etnograficheskoe obozrenie (Moscow), 1890, no. 3, p. 218-220; 1892, no. 2/3, p. 67-70, no. 4, p. 44-47; 1894, no. 1, p. 215-218; 1895, no. 1, p. 164-166; 1896, no. 1, p. 190-193. (About 315 titles are listed)

152. Tooms, A. Bibliography; reference books on Estonia. Baltic Countries (Gdynia), v. 1, no. 1, 1935: 137-138.
Toovere, P. See No. 88.

153. Transehe Roseneck, Astaf A. G. v. Die ritterlichen Livlandfahrer des 13. Jahrhunderts; eine genealogische Untersuchung, hrsg. von Wilhelm Lenz... Würzburg, Holzner-Verlag, 1960. vii,119 p. Bibliography: p. 11-16. (Marburger Ostforschungen, 12)

154. Tuulse, Armin. Die Burgen in Estland und Lettland. Tartu, 1942. Bibliography: p. 403-442. (Opetatud Eesti Seltsi toimitused, 33)
U.S. Congress. House. Selected Committee on Communist Aggression. See No. 15.

155. U.S. Library of Congress. Slavic and Central European Division. Estonia: a selected bibliography. Compiled by Salme Kuri. Washington, 1958. iv, 74 p. (491 entries)

156. Vahesalu, E. Ëesti NSV meditsiiniline kirjandus 1940 -1965; bibliograafia (Bibliography of Soviet Estonian medical literature, 1940-65) Tallinn, Valgus, 1969. 671 p.

157. Valgma, J. and N. Remmel. Eesti keele grammatika (Grammar of the Estonian language) Tallinn, Valgus, 1968. 439 p. Bibliography: p. 418-423. (154 entries)

158. Vigel, Eduard Tartu iilikooli raamatukogude ajakirjade nimestik. Catalogue des periodiques ëtrangëres recus par les Bibliotheques de l'Universitë de Tartu. Tartu, 1940. xiii, 676 p. (Acta et commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis. C: Annals, 23)

159. Viires, Ants, et al. Eesti noukogude etnograafia bibliograafia 1945 - 1966 (Bibliography of Soviet Estonian ethnography, 1945-66) Tallinn, Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia, Ajaloo Insti-tuut, 1967. 128 p. mimeograph.

160. „ Ëstonskaia sovetskaia ëtnografiia (1940-1960). (Soviet Estonian ethnography, 1940-60) Sovetskaia ëtnografiia (Moskva) no. 3, 1960: 145-151.

161. Vilberg, G. Verzeichnis der floristischen Literatur. In: Loodussuurijate Selts. Aastaraamat, v. 35, no. 3/4, 1928: 325-338.

162. Weiss, Helmuth. Baltische Bibliographie... Schrifttum über Estland und Lettland in Auswahl. 1945- Zeitschrift für Ostforschung (Marburg a. L.), 1954-
Annual reports with supplements for previous years.

163. Winkelmann, Eduard. Bibliotheca Livoniae historica. Systematisches Verzeichnis der Quellen und Hülfsmittel zur Geschichte Estlands, Livlands und Kurlands. Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1878. xviii, 608 p.
Zooloogiline kirjandus. See No. 38.

164. Wrangell, Wilhelm v. Die Estlandische Ritterschaft... Limberg/Lahn, C. A. Starke, 1967. xii, 361 p. Bibliography: p. 155-168.