Volume 20, No.4 - Winter 1974
Editors of this issue: J.A. Rackauskas
Copyright © 1974 LITUANUS Foundation, Inc.


Library of the University of Alberta

The problems of East - West relations will continue to disturb international affairs for a long time to come. The history and present political situation in Lithuania is an interesting case study of a small country wedged between East and West.

In response to a growing interest in the affairs of Eastern Europe, the author began an extensive study of Lithuanian collections in academic, public and Lithuanian libraries.

The end result of the research efforts is an extensive bibliography entitled LITHUANIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY. A CHECK-LIST OF BOOKS AND ARTICLES HELD BY THE MAJOR LIBRARIES OF CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES, which contains 10,168 entries for works by 3,587 authors.


The findings of this research are based on the answers to a letter-questionnaire sent to 124 libraries and on personal visits to forty-six Canadian and American libraries. Thirteen libraries failed to report their holdings. From this number, eighty one American, twenty Canadian and seven Lithuanian libraries were selected for a survey of their holdings. The distribution of academic and public libraries according to the size of their collection is as follows:

81 libraries have between 5 and 200 titles
15 libraries have between 201 and 700 titles and
5 libraries have over 1000 titles.

The following is a list of fourteen leading libraries with approximate holdings of materials on Lithuania (Belles-lettres excluded) as of December 31, 1971:


Library of Congress, Washington, D.C....................................
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia..................................
New York Public Library, New York .......................................
Harvard University, Widener Library, Cambridge, Mass.............
Kent State University, Kent Ohio............................................
Yale University, New Haven, Conn..........................................
University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.......................................
Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford, Ca
Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.......................................
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc.................................
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont.........................................
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.................................
Newberry Library, Chicago, 111.............................................
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C......................

I will not attempt here to evaluate these collections in terms of their adequacy, but only in terms of their numerical strength in leading subject areas. In general, all collections of the above libraries exhibit strength in the subject areas of history and language with the exception of the Newberry Library whose collection is literature-oriented. Next to the quantitative analysis a number of titles, available only in the library described, are listed.

The following four libraries, Library of Congress, University of Pennsylvania, Kent State University and Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace will be fully analyzed in LITUANUS by other authors.


The third largest Lithuanian collection of monographs, pamphlets and serials is in the New York Public Library. The earlier imprints are well represented. History (450), Laws, statutes, etc., with records of Lithuanian - Polish Commonwealth (170) are the strongest subject areas. As well, serials, periodicals and newspapers are well represented. Unique titles are: M. Dukszta, ETUDE ETHNOGRAPHIQUE SUR L'ANCIEN PEUPLE LITHUANIEN (Genêve, 1917); S. Heberstein, COMENTARI DELLA MOSCOVIA (Venetia, 1550); J. v. Huepeden, DIE RUSSIFIZIERUNG DER OSTSEEPROVINZEN (Leipzig, 1887); N. I. Garbochevskii, KATALOG DREVNIM AKTOVYM KNIGAM, ETC., (Vil'na, 1872); K. Jarochowski, DZIEJE PANOWANIA AUGUSTA II, etc. (Poznan, 1874); A. K. Korevo, VILENSKAIA GUBERNIIA, ETC., (Sanktpeterburg, 1861); Lithuania. Laws, statutes, etc., TRIBUNAL OBIVATELIAM VELIKOGO KNIAZHESTVA LITOVSKOGO (Moskva, 1857); M. Morelowski, ZNASZENIE BAROKU WILENSKIEGO XVIII STOLECIA (Wilno, 1940); PRZYWILEJ UNII W. X. LITEWSKIEGO Z KORONĄ, etc., (Warszawa, 1854); RYGOS LIETUVIŲ GIMNAZIJA (Riga, 1933); J. Sawicki-Stella, SZKICE Z POWSTANIA 1863 ROKU (Kraków, 1889); J. K. Sembritzki, MEMEL IM XIX JAHRHUNDERT (Memel, 1902); V. I. Skardzis, LITOUTSY U SOVETSKAI BELARUSI (Mensk, 1935); Senas Kaunietis, LITAUISCHER KULTURKAMPF (Danzig, 1930); and periodicals: BENDRAS ŽYGIS (Klaipėda, 1938-39), RYGOS GARSAS (Riga, 1913-14), ŠALTINIS (Tilžė, 1905-1906), TARPININKAS (So. Boston, 1928-30), TĖVYNĖN (Salzburg, 1946-47).


Harvard University library, whose titles number over 1300 stands in fourth place among the leading libraries. Three hundred fifty-nine titles on history represent 27 per cent of the Harvard collection followed by one hundred fifty nine titles on the Lithuanian language with 12 per cent of their collection. The following titles are unique to this library: J. Bartoszewicz, HETMANI POLSCY KORONNI I W. K. LITEWSKIEGO (Warszawa, 1862-65); F. P. v. Jarocki ZUBR (Hamburg, 1830); L. Kilian, DAS SIEDLUNGSGEBIET DER BALTEN (Königsberg, 1939); DIE KIRCHEN ZUSTANDE IM BISTUM WILNA (Lausanne, 1918); Lithuania. Laws, statutes, etc., ĮSTATYMAI APIE VALSTYBINĮ MOKESTĮ (Kaunas, 1934); PRZYWILEJ UNII W. X. LITEWSKIEGO Z KORONĄ, etc., (Warszawa, 1843); P. Ruhig, BETRACHTUNG DER LITAUISCHEN SPRACHE (Königsberg, 1745); A. Ružancovas, LIETUVOS PERIODINĖ SPAUDA 1928 m. (Kaunas, 1929); M. Vorobjovas, VILNIAUS MENAS (Kaunas, 1940); and T. Wierzbowski, SZKOLY PARAFIALNE W POLSCE I NA LITWIE (Kraków, 1921).


The Yale University collection is just about half the size of that at Harvard University and totals about 660 titles. History and language subjects comprise almost 50 per cent of the total collection and consist of 170 and 143 titles respectively. Literature is represented with 14 per cent of 95 titles. The library possesses hard to find titles: K. M. Brzozowski, PIESNI LUDU NADNIEMENSKIEGO (Poznan, 1844); M. Dzikowski, KATALOG ATLASOW BIBLIOTEKI UNIWERSYTECKIEJ W WILNIE (Wilno, 1934-40); F. J. Hill, LITHUANIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY (Waterbury, Conn., 1938); Z. Honik, URZĄD PODWOJEWODZIEGO W W. K. LITEWSKIM, ETC., (Wilno, 1935); N. Iunitskii, FUNDUSHI I STIPENDII VILENSKAGO UCHEBNAGO OKRUGA (Vil'na, 1884); KWESTYA LITEWSKA W PRASIE POLSKIEJ (Warszawa, 1905); Lithuania. Vyriausiasis tribunolas, VYRIAUSIOJO TRIBUNOLO BAUDŽIAMŲJŲ KASACINIŲ BYLŲ SPRENDIMAI, etc., (Kaunas, 1933-34); J. Oschmian, APERCU GENERAL SUR LA GEOLOGIE DE LA LITHUANIE (Paris, 1931); J. Pakalniškis, KLAIPĖDIŠKIŲ DAINOS (Vilnius, 1908); J. Šarūnas, GRUODŽIO 17 DIENOS PERVERSMAS ([n. p.] 1927); W. Witte, BALTISCHE PHILOLOGIE (Braunschweig, 1931); E. Gilbert, NEWS FROM POLAND (London, 1641); and periodical DABARTIS (Tilžė, Kaunas, 1915-18).


Language with 152 titles is the leading subject in the University of Chicago, followed by history with 136 titles of the total 583 titles. The following rare books are available from this library: S. A. Bershadskii, DOKUMENTY I REGESTRY K ISTORII LITOVSKIKH EVREEV (Sanktpeterburg, 1882); FŪNFZIG JAHRE RUSSISCHER VERWALTUNG IN DEN BALTISCHEN PROVINZEN (Leipzig, 1883); A. Guagnino, KRONIKA SARMACYEY, etc., (Warszawa, 1768); A. Guagnino, RERUM POLONICARUM... TUM PRINCIPUM LITUANIAE, etc., (Francofurti, 1584); Chr. Hartknoch, DE REPUBLICA POLONICA... LITUANICAE, etc., (Lipsiae, 1698); D. E. Jablonskį, HISTORIA CONCENSUS SENDOMIRIENSIS, etc., (Berolini, 1731); I. I. Lappo, REKUPERATORNYI VLADIEL'CHESKII ISK V LITOVSKOM PRAVIE, etc., (Praga, 1933); E. Romer, BEITRAGE ZUR LITAUENS WIRTSCHAFTGESCHICHTE (München, 1897).


Princeton University Library has a well balanced collection covering almost all subject areas. The predominant subjects are: History 92, language 75, economy 36, politics and government 35, Lithuania general works 26 and so forth, from the total of 350 titles. Older publications in the Library are: Chr. Hartknoch, PREUSSISCHE KIRCHEHISTORIE, etc. (Danzig, 1696); H. Mošcicki, SPRAWA WLOSCIANSKA NA LITWIE (Warszawa, 1908); L. J. Rhesa, PRUTENA, etc., (Königsberg, 1809); Vilna (Diocese) INFORMATIO DE BONIS ECCLESIASTICIS DIAECESIS VILNENSIS, etc., (Halae, 1895); and C. Woldemar, ZUR GESCHICHTE UND STATISTIK DER GELEHRTEN UND SCHULANSTALTEN (Sanktpeterburg, 1865).


University of Wisconsin, Madison, and University of Alberta, Edmonton, libraries have 280 titles each and the distribution by subject areas is also the same. History 75, Language 75, Lithuania general 25 and so forth with the exception of literature in which the University of Alberta has 40 and the University of Wisconsin, 15 titles. Unique items in the University of Alberta are: M. Stryjkowski, KRONIKA POLSKA, LITEWSKA, ŽMODZKA, etc., (Warszawa, 1582); F. Becker, LITAUISCHE UND PREUSSISCHE VOLKSSAGEN (Königsberg, 1847); and K. Radziwill, SPRAWY WOJENNE I POLITYCZNE Ks. K. RADZIWILLA, etc. (Paryž, 1859).


The University of Toronto's collection is almost identical to that of University of Alberta, in all subject areas with exception that the latter shows strength in literature and the former in the subject area of politics and government.

The collection in the University of Toronto Library is almost the same as in the two previously mentioned libraries. History books represent 26 percent of the entire 280 titles. Works of Lithuanian composers: V. K. Banaitis, M. K. Čiurlionis, B. Dvarionas, J. Gruodis, J. Karnavičius, V. Klova, and V. Landsbergis are best represented in the University of Toronto Library. These are the books worth mentioning: J. A. Findlay, THE BALTIC EXCHANGE (London, 1927); G. Jacob, DER NORDISCH - BALTISCHE HANDEL, etc. (Amsterdam, 1966); NEFTEPOISKOVYE KRITERII PRIBALTIKI (Vil'nius, 1970); and C. Schütz, HISTORIA RERUM PRUSSICARUM (Leipzig, 1599).


Newberry Library in Chicago is one of the special libraries in regard to the Lithuanian Collection because from a total of 163 titles, 99 titles are on the Lithuanian language, literature and old texts, followed by history with 21 titles. In 1901, Newberry Library bought the Bonaparte Collection from the estate of Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte of France numbering 13,545 titles which contained 79 titles related to Lithuanian linguistics and literature published before the twentieth century. These are the more important monographs: S. Baltramaitis, SBORNIK BIBLIOGRAFICHESKIKH MATERIALOV, etc. (Sanktpeterburg, 1891-92); Bible. Lithuanian. 1755. Quandt. BIBLIA TAI EST: WISSAS SZWENTAS RASZTAS, etc. (Karalauczuje, 1755); Bible, Lithuanian. 1824. Rhesa, BIBLIA TAI ESTI: WISSAS SZWENTAS RASZTAS, etc. (Tilžėje, 1824); Bible. N.T. German. 1727. Luther. DAS NEUE TESTAMENT... The Lithuanian version of the New Testament is that of J. J. Quandt (Königsberg, 1727); F. W. Haack, VOCABULARIUM LITTHVANICO - GERMANICUM (Halle, 1730); D. Klein, GRAMMATICA LITVANICA (Regiomonti, 1653); T. Lepner, DER PREUSCHE LITTAUER (Danzig, 1744); G. Ostermeyer, NEUE LITTAUISCHE GRAMMATIK (Königsberg, 1791); P. Ruhig, LITAUISCHES - DEUTSCH... LEXICON (Königsberg, 1747). In addition to the above there is a great number of old devotional publications from the middle of the nineteenth century.


1. ALKA — Archive of American-Lithuanian Culture, Putnam, Conn.

2. Lithuanian World Archives, Chicago, 111.

3. Lithuanian Jesuit Fathers Library, Chicago, 111.

4. Sisters of St. Casimir Library, Chicago, 111.

5. Marian Fathers, College Library, Marianapolis, Thompson, Conn.

6. The Juozas Žilevičius Archive of Lithuanian Musicology, Chicago, 111.

7. Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture, Chicago.

8. Economic Studies Center, Washington, D.C.

Archive of American-Lithuanian Culture

The ALKA museum was founded by a most energetic and dedicated Rev. Monsignior Francis M. Juras, p.a. who despite his advanced age still works daily in the museum. Most of the material in the ALKA collection is in the Lithuanian language and covers all areas on Lithuania. All the material is not yet catalogued, but arranged in a very orderly manner and is quite accessible.

Among the many valuable and old books, the following were noted: ALBUM IN COMMEMORATION OF THE 500th ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEATH OF VYTAUTAS THE GREAT (Ed. by H. Serafinas. Kaunas, 1933); Lithuanian, Finansų Ministerija LIETUVOS VALSTYBĖS 1925 - 38 BIUDŽETAI (Kaunas, 1924 - 38); MARGINIAI (Kaunas, 1936) an album of samples of national costumes which was prepared for the World's Fair in New York, Lithuanian Pavilion; and A. Tamošaitis, LIAUDIES MENO DIRBINIŲ RAŠTAI (Kaunas, 1933). It also houses 67 newspapers and periodical titles. The most important ones are: ATEITIS (Kaunas, 1911-40); AUSZRA (Tilžė, 1883-1886); DARBININKAS (Boston, Brooklyn, 1915- to date); DRAUGAS (Wilkes Barre, Chicago, 1904- to date); DRAUGIJA (Kaunas, 1907 - 40); RUOMUVA (Kaunas, no. 1-2, 1921); ŠALTINIS (Tilžė, 1906-12); and TAUTOS ŪKIS (Kaunas, 1931-39).

The ALKA museum has also special collections such as: J. O. Širvydas memoirs; archival material of the Head office and the European Branch of the United Lithuanian Relief Fund of America; Freethinkers' Library and Archives from Brockton, Mass.; Archives of Ateitininkai from Refugee camps in Germany as well as four large steel cabinets packed with Lithuanian music sheets and monographs on Lithuanian music; one steel cabinet containing several thousands programs and descriptive materials of concerts, meetings, conferences, etc.; and one steel cabinet full of prayer books, kantičkos and other devotional publications mostly with imprints from the nineteenth century.

Lithuanian World Archives

The Lithuanian World Archives were established some 30 years ago. The Archives contain more than 12,000 books, house over 400 periodical titles, and more than 200,000 pages of various documents relating to the life and conditions of various refugee camps in Europe. This archive is the main source for material on Lithuanian Refugee Studies. It is permanently housed at the Lithuanian Jesuit Fathers Youth Center in Chicago. It has a catalogued collection, but most of the material is in storage. It has established working hours and can be used by scholars for research work. The Archive was established by historian Vincentas Liulevičius, who was its director and curator for over 27 years. Since 1972 the Archive is under the direction of Č. Grincevičius. A complete description of the Lithuanian World Archives will appear in a future issue of "Lituanus".

Lithuanian Jesuit Fathers Library

The Lithuanian Jesuit Fathers in Chicago have in their library about 2500 titles (including Belles lettres, 1300). The collection is strongest in • history with 300 titles, followed by biography with 100 titles, then history of Lithuanian parishes, especially in the United States, with 100 titles. The library has many newspapers and journals of which 50 titles are complete and bound. The Collection is catalogued. Unique titles are: KNYGOS SAVOS SPAUDOS (Chicago, 1915); KUNIGAI KOVOJE SU CARO VALDŽIA (Kaunas, 1919); Lietuvių bibliografinė tarnyba, Memmingen, LIETUVIŲ KNYGA TREMTYJE (Neumünster, 1948); MŪSŲ RAŠTAI, (Kaunas, 1938); K. Sčesnulevičius, MOKSLINGO MIŠKININKO ANTANO RUKUIŽOS SPAUSDINTŲ DARBŲ SĄRAŠAS (Chicago, 1965); Šv. KAZIMIERO DRAUGIJOS LEIDINIŲ SĄRAŠAS (Kaunas, 1924); and E. Tyszkiewicz, BADANIA ARCHEOLOGICZNE, etc. (Wilno, 1850).

Sisters of St. Casimir Library

A well rounded collection is located in the convent of the Sisters of St. Casimir, Chicago. Their collection is more oriented towards young people seeking an education, but consisting of well selected materials. In addition to books in the social sciences there is a substantial number of Lithuanian literary works. The collection is catalogued. The library has about 2000 titles of books, pamphlets and serials, newspapers and periodicals. More important are: T. Brazys, MŪSŲ DAINELĖS (Kaunas, 1923); P. Lomanas, PRADŽIOS MOKYKLŲ ĮSTATYMAI, TAISYKLĖS, etc. Kaunas, 1930); J. Norkus, DIDŽIOJO KARO LAIKŲ LIETUVIŲ DAINOS (Kaunas, 1927); A. Smetona, RAŠTAI (Kaunas, 1930); A. Smetona, ANTANO SMETONOS DIDŽIOSIOS MINTYS (Kaunas, 1935 - 37); A. Tamošaitienė, MŪSŲ RANKDARBIAI (Kaunas, 1939); E. Veckenstedt, MYTAI, PASAKOS IR LEGENDOS (Plymouth, Pa., 1897); and periodicals: KOSMOS (Kaunas, 1920-31, 38); NAUJOJI VAIDILUTĖ (Kaunas, 1921-40); PASAULIO LIETUVIS (Kaunas, 1937 - 40); PAVASARIS (Kaunas, 1921 - 35); and ŠVIETIMO DARBAS (1919-1938, incomplete).

The Marian Fathers Library

The Marian Fathers, Indiana, moved their college for Lithuanian students to Marianapolis, Thompson, Conn, in 1930. Here they have developed a good collection of more than 2000 books, mostly Lithuanian, and including translations info Lithuanian from other literatures. The collection exhibits strength in biography with 210 titles, history with 236, history of Lithuanian parishes with 190, folklore with 120, and language with 70 titles. The collection is catalogued and housed in a separate library in the College Building.

Singled out from the many titles are: J. Basanavičius, APIE SENOVĖS LIETUVOS PILIS (Tilžė, 1891); V. P. Bičiūnas, LIAUDIES TEATRAS (Kaunas, 1936); M. Davainis Silvestravičius, PATARLĖS IR DAINOS (Tilžė, 1889); P. Leonas, LIETUVIŲ ATSTOVŲ 4-ton VALSTYBĖS DŪMON RINKIMAMS PASIBAIGUS (Kaunas, 1913); J. Matulevičius, MIESTŲ APSKRITAI PRAMONIJOS DARBININKŲ KLAUSIMU (Kaunas, 1909); A. Tamošaitis SODŽIAUS PRAMONĖ; AUSTINIAI KILIMAI (Kaunas, 1935); A. Tamošaitis, SODŽIAUS PRAMONĖ; STALTIESĖS (Kaunas, 1935); J. Tumas, ŠEIMOS VĖŽIAI (Kaunas, 1929); and S. Yla, LIETUVIŲ APOLOGETINĖS LITERATŪROS BIBLIOGRAFIJA, 1904-1914 (Kaunas, 1935); and periodicals: AUSZRA (Tilžė, 1883-1885); AKADEMIKAS (Kaunas, 1935-39); LOGOS (Kaunas, 1921, 1923-1930, 1935-1937); LIEPSNOS (Kaunas, 1937-39); MINTIS (Memmingen, Ger., 1947 49); PIETŲ AMERIKOS ŽINIOS (Buenos Aires, 1940-41); RYTAS (Kaunas, 1932-35); STUDENTŲ DIENOS (Kaunas, 1937-40); VILNIAUS ŽINIOS (Vilnius, 1906); and ŽIDINYS (Kaunas, 1925-40).

Balzekas Museum Library

The Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture in Chicago, 111. has a small but well organized library. All books are catalogued. The Collection covers mostly Lithuanian history, geneology, heraldry and numismatics, consisting of 415 titles of books and a great number of maps of Lithuania. It has a large accumulation of newspapers, periodicals and serial publications which requires completion, sorting and binding into volumes.

V. K. Banaitis, LIETUVIŲ EVANGELIKŲ LIAUDIES GIESMĖS (Ludwigsburg, Ger., 1951); M. Ivanauskas, ARQUITETURA LITUANA (Sao Paulo, 1957); H. Kreftas, KLAIPĖDA (Vilnius, 1969); E. Krolikowski, WILENSZCZYZNA (Roma, 1946); A. M. Račkus, CYCLOPEDIA OF LITHUANIAN NUMISMATICS (Chicago, 111., 1965); A. M. Račkus, LIETUVOS PINIGAI VYTAUTO DIDŽIOJO GADYNĖJE (n.p., 1930); A. Tamošaitis, AUSTINIAI KILIMAI (Kaunas, 1935); A. Tamošaitis, LIETUVIŲ MOTERŲ TAUTINIAI DRABUŽIAI (Kaunas, 1939); S. Yla, KŪČIOS, PRASMĖ, SIMBOLIAI, MALDOS (Putnam, Conn., n.d.).

Juozas Žilevičius Library of Lithuanian Musicology

The Juozas Žilevičius Library of Lithuanian Musicology is in Chicago, Illinois, housed in one room of the Youth Center next to the Lithuanian Jesuit Fathers. This library was fully described in LITUANUS (Vol. 19, No. 4, p. 40 - 50) and will again be presented in a future issue of LITUANUS.

Economic Studies Center

Not many people have heard about the very special research library on Lithuanian economic affairs called The Economic Studies Center. This Library was started by a group of devoted economists, of whom Dr. Povilas A. Mažeika of Washington, D.C. is the leader. They follow the press of the world on economic matters. When something of importance on Lithuania is found, the article is abstracted and entered on Kardex cards. The abstract receives a Subject heading and is subsequently filed in one of the Kardex filing cabinets. The Library is very glad to give information to researchers, to students writing theses in that subject area and to the general reader researching for his own pleasure.


* For a complete list of Lithuanian materials in the Bonaparte Collection of the Newberry Library see: "Rare Baltica in the Bonaparte Collection, LITUANUS Vol. X, No. 3/4 (Pall and Winter, 1964), pp. 103-111.